Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Self-Publishing Companies


A word "Self-Publishing" can sometimes be very intimidating compared to the standard publishing practices. One that has to consider about self-publishing a book is the marketing side after the book is self-published. These are the following self-publishing companies that you may consider and most of them also offers marketing services.

Self-Publishing Companies

Try to check the following self-publishing companies. In no order of preference:

Xlibris - www.xlibris.com
iUniverse - www.iuniverse.com
AuthorHouse - www.authorhouse.com
BookSurge Publishing - www.booksurgepublishing.com
Lulu - www.lulu.com
Aventine Press - www.aventinepress.com
Publish America - www.publishamerica.com


The Pines Dish said...

What pulishers should I look forward for photography books?

karim said...

Hi thanks for visiting my site. Below are 3 of the leading self publishing companies who publishes photography books.

1. Xlibris
2. Lulu
3. Authorhouse

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)