Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dos and Donts of Self-Publishing

Article by: Noel Brinkerhoff

Copyright 2006

It used to be where people who self-published were considered neophytes who werent good enough to be published by more traditional publishers. They clung like barnacles to the edges of the book world, trying but not gaining access to the inner sanctum -- a place on the shelves of Barnes & Noble and a trip to Oprahs couch.

These days, however, self-published authors can make themselves lots of money, build platforms for the launch of further projects, and even sell their books at Barnes & Noble. Some have landed deals with larger publishers after selling a few thousand books with their own blood, sweat & tears, and even found themselves face to face with the Queen of the book clubs herself.

The first Do of self-publishing is to grant yourself the power to see your words in print. No one is going to come down from on high and give you permission to be published, so you might as well start with a hearty pat on the back for finishing a book. After all, its almost a national joke about how many people are writing or planing to write the great American novel at some nebulous time in the future. You are the only one who can truly decide to empower or dis-empower yourself at this juncture.

The second major Do of self-publishing is to do your research. Most people are in such a hurry to see their words in print that they neglect what will happen after the printer delivers 40 or 50 heavy boxes of books to their doorstep. Enterpreneur publishes a great step-by-step start-up guide for Self-Publishing Businesses that teaches you how to market your book, get repeat business, manage your business finances, and more.

The third major Do of self-publishing is to hone your writing until it shines. New Novelist, from Write Express, is software that can help, whether youre writing fiction or narrative non-fiction. The software takes your idea and builds it intuitively into a full-fledged story, and comes with testimonials from no less than Will Self, a novelist published many times over. Your writing will sparkle, and youll be a lot less frustrated if you use this important tool.

The first major Dont of self-publishing is dont expect someone to sell your book for you. If youre self-publishing, youre taking on the roles of author, publisher, publicist and distributor, so you will need to think up clever ways to connect with your potential readers. One way I find extremely helpful is to hook up with Verizon Super Pages. They can help you get a web site up and running, if you plan to sell your book this way, or even help you bring some money in, through Pay-Per Click Advertising, while youre waiting for people to purchase your wares. Its a great place to place ads and start getting your name out there.

And the last major Do of self-publishing is be as loud and proud about your book as you want to be. Yahoo Search Marketing has one of the best and fastest ways to get noticed in the crowded world of books. Sponsored Search puts your book in front of millions of eyes, alongside relevant articles and product reviews. Fast-tracking your listing will widen your reach, including your listing on,, and some of the other largest sites currently in business. Doing it this way not only ensures you traffic to your site, it cements your reputation as an expert and an author.

That leads us to the last really important Do of self-publishing, which is to celebrate your achievement. Writing a book is not easy -- thats why we lionize (some of) our writers. Take pleasure in the fact that you have successfully put your thoughts into print, and are well on your way to publishing success!

For more stories like this, visit

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Self-Publish Your Book With National Distribution

By: Daphne Succes

Many writers struggle with constant rejection from the publishing world. A rejection, though a part of the industry, is difficult for writers at any stage in their career. You pour your heart and soul into a book, along with hours of work, only to hear a publisher indicate that it isnt what they are looking for at this particular time. Many books that were otherwise snubbed by traditional publishing houses have gone on to be very popular. How? Its simple. Self-publishing is an avenue that many new, or rejected, writers pursue.

When you hear self-publishing, perhaps you think about writing a book and taking it to a printer, paying for copies and doing all of the footwork to get your new work listed with major bookstores. But, thanks to the internet and an innovative new approach to publishing, thats no longer the case. Sure, you still have to pen the book yourself but leave the printing up to someone else. A growing number of POD (print on demand) publishers are stepping up in search of the next bestseller. Print on demand is a term used to describe a publisher who handles all of the printing aspects, but on an as-needed basis.

The best self-publishing companies offer a variety of programs with the majority of them handling the issuance of an ISBN number and getting your book cataloged with all of the major online bookstores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, etc. In addition, when a book is issued an ISBN number, it can be ordered at any bookstore. Your book may or may not be physically stocked at your local shopping mall, but the bookstore inside will have the capability to order it as requested. As your new title is listed nationally with every major bookstores catalog, it will steadily surface globally as well. A year after your book is released; dont be surprised if search engine results show that it is listed with major online bookstores across the world, including Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, etc.

With print on demand publishing, or self-publishing, you will have to pay a fee to get your book in print. Longtime publisher iUniverse ( offers publishing packages starting at $499.00 and up. In exchange for the startup fee, the company issues a printed version of the book while the author retains all electronic rights to the work and a 3-year contract with a 1-year automatic renewal. A generous 20% royalty is offered on the sale of every book with quarterly statements mailed to the author.

If you have been turned away by traditional publishers, or simply want to retain full control over your book, its cover design and content, self-publishing may be the way to go. If you have never been published, it is difficult to find a traditional publisher. With self-publishing, you will have documentation of your previously published work and royalty statements to show its success. Once your book is published, get out there and promote your work. Its the best way to take your career from new to permanent status.

Daphne is a Writer, Business Owner, Motivator and Self-Starter and full-time Mom. She started Passion Parties by Daphne in the Summer of 2005 as a hobby while working full time. It has since become a full time passion for her and hope to quit her full time job soon. She enjoys writing articles about small businesses and family and tries to motivate other women with the same desire. She can be reached at 1-877-TOY-DIVA

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Free Self-Publishing Kits

Below is a listing of self-publishing companies who offers publishing guides for free. Make your wise choice. Check them out for your review:

Xlibris Corporation - Free Publishing Kit
iUniverse - Publishing Guide
AuthorHouse - Self Publishing Guide
Trafford - Free Guide
Aventine Press - Download Publishing Kit

Friday, March 16, 2007

Look Out! New Trends in Self-Publishing

By: Christopher Willitts

Unless you’ve been hiding out in a cave somewhere, you’ve most likely noticed a significant movement towards the publishing of eBooks, a.k.a. “electronic books.” This new trend is making an enormous impact on the writing community for several reasons. Creating unlimited numbers of eBooks costs absolutely nothing apart from the initial purchase of the software needed to create them. In addition, there is no cost to deliver eBooks, and delivery is immediate because the entire delivering process is electronically generated.

Software is fueling the fire for this new trend.

At this moment, an individual could design an eBook with software, design the cover with software, market the eBook from his or her website, which is designed completely by software, and then automate the entire process of delivering the eBooks with software.

Once everything was set up properly, the website would both sell and deliver your eBooks for you. It would basically run itself. Just imagine... your own "eBook selling machine", twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. And because you don't have to worry about the hassles of supplies or inventory, this method of publishing is incredibly convenient.

An eBook may have even more features and benefits than a printed book: it may have sound, video and hyperlinks. An eBook can provide a richer experience to your reader. Ground-breaking concepts like this are empowering the writing community like never before!

You can find the best self-publishing resources the internet has to offer at .

Christopher Willitts, Founder, Go Publish
Address: P.O. Box 2031, Lewisburg, TN 37091, USA
Email: Voice/Fax: 931.422.9906
”Empowering Writers by Bringing Them into the Innovative World of Self-Publishing.”

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

East Cleveland Author Successfully Self-Publishes and Empowers Writers Nationwide

M. LaVora Perry’s "Successful Self-Publishing: From Children's Author to Independent Publisher, a Simple Guide for New and Not So New Authors" is a tool for writers who want an introduction to independent publishing and published authors who need winning strategies to boost book sales.

East Cleveland, OH (PRWEB) May 27, 2005 -- “This is such an easy to read and easy to follow book….I've already learned so much.“ –Michele Rankins, Poet and Author

M. LaVora Perry’s "Successful Self-Publishing: From Children's Author to Independent Publisher, a Simple Guide for New and Not So New Authors," is a tool for writers who want an introduction to independent publishing and published authors who need winning strategies to boost book sales.

What motivated Perry to write Successful Self-Publishing? When over the course of two years her effective Internet and offline promotion of her first book—a children’s story—resulted in the author/publisher receiving scores of email and telephone inquiries from writers from around the country who wanted to know how to publish and sell their own books and achieve the impressive sales results Perry had achieved, she knew she was onto something big.

Here’s her publishing success story: In July of 2003, only seven weeks after the release of her first book, Taneesha’s Treasures of the Heart, against the odds, M. LaVora Perry was interviewed as a guest on National Public Radio (NPR) to discuss her unconventional story of two friends facing a bullying older child—one friend was urban, black, American and Buddhist, the other was white with a physical disability.

Today the long list of writers who have sought Perry’ expertise as an independent publisher includes Janis F. Kearney, the First U.S. Presidential Diarist (Clinton Administration) and the author of Essence magazine best-seller Cotton Field of Dreams—a Memoir. On Successful Self-Publishing cover are the following words of praise from Kearney:

“LaVora, thank you for the work you're doing to make it easier for new authors who seek to publish independently! So many of us have learned from your example. I for one depended on your wisdom and experience as I began to look at options in starting our own small press. Your assistance has been invaluable.”

Less than two years after her NPR appearance, Perry had sold nearly 4,000 copies of Taneesha’s Treasures of the Heart—a feat few authors accomplish. Taneesha’s Treasures and Perry’s recent titles—Wu-lung & I-lung, Pictures of My Days: An Art & Writing Workbook for Creating the Life You Want and Daily Pages for Creating the Life You Want: A Companion Workbook to Pictures of My Days—are in bookstores, schools and libraries throughout the United States as well as in Africa, Asia and beyond.

In Successful Self-Publishing writers learn about:
• the three basic ways their books can be published
• highly affordable printing options if they choose to independently publish
• practical ways to effectively promote books for children through adults that will sell theircurrent book(s) and generate new sales for their previously published and future titles

Visit for the author's event calendar and to read excerpts from Successful Self-Publishing and more titles and to learn about Perry's workshops and presentations for children through adults on creative envisioning and goal setting and on publishing and promoting books.

In 1995, Perry became the first African-American staff card writer for American Greetings (AG)—the world’s largest publicly-owned greeting card company. She twice received AG Creative Excellence awards for writing and editing before resigning from the multinational corporation in 2002 and going on to publish her first book. Building on the strategies outlined in Successful Self-Publishing, Perry founded Forest Hill Publishing, LLC (FHP) in 2004. She lives in Northern Ohio with her husband and three children. View a calendar of the author's events at

Successful Self Publishing—From Children’s Author to Independent Publisher, A Simple Guide for New and Not So New Authors
Forest Hill Publishing, LLC
ISBN 0-9759251-7-2 104 pp. $10.00
Release Date: June 30, 2005
Available for the trade through Ingram
Available for reserve retail orders at

Successful Self-Publishing Endorsements:
“LaVora, you are an inspiration to the literary community.” –Nancy Gilliam, Contributor to Chicken Soup for the African American Soul

“LaVora certainly knows her stuff!” –Mary Dowling Daly, Author of Around the World in Cleveland and Irish Laws

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Everybody Wants to Write a Book

Self publishing is becoming more and more popular, but why aren't more authors successful?

Calgary, AB (PRWEB) April 1, 2005 -- Actually, everybody wants to write and publish a bestselling book, and it’s easier than ever to do it… but why are so few authors successful?

Authors and writers search everywhere for the secrets of publishing success, but they haven’t been able to find the answers – until now! The publishing experts at Ink Tree Ltd. are now “on call” for authors and publishers who want to know how to publish a book that sells.

The experts at Ink Tree have “walked the talk”. Learn the secrets of successful publishing from a group that has actually sold hundreds of thousands of books. Learn from experts who actually have self published and created best-sellers. Founding partner Denise Hamilton sold over 250,000 copies of her own book… Ink Tree will teach authors how to do the same with their books!

Ink Tree can show aspiring authors and publishers:- How to know whether to self publish or to seek out a conventional publisher- The easiest way to create a publishing business plan and budget- The biggest mistakes most self publishers make that cost them thousands of dollars- The best ways to get books into bookstores and the strategic ways to get customers to the stores to buy- The secrets of turning a great book idea into a profitable business

"Self-publishing was always a bit of a mystery to me until now, and I enjoyed the way you broke it down... and made me realize the benefits and control that this option brings." Stacey Robinson (on one of our seminars)

Ink Tree Ltd. helps authors publish, market and sell books!

The Ink Tree Ltd. team is available for interviews. See for more information.

Original Article from:

Theres a Book in You!

Article by: Viojieley Gurrobat

You know you have the skill, knowledge and ability to write a book. But whats keeping you from writing is the problem of publishing it. You dont have a direct line at the editors of some of the biggest publishing house in the country and you certainly cant afford getting rejected for several times by these publishing houses. If this is your dilemma, then maybe it is time to consider self-publishing.

But what is self-publishing? Self-publishing basically allows the author to be in control of the entire creative and selling process of his book. Self-publishing is one of the fastest growing book publishing method in the publishing industry. If you are a self-published author you pay the full cost of producing your book and are responsible for marketing and distributing it. This means that all subsidiary rights, the copyright, all finished copies and all money received from book sales are solely your.

Printing the book is just a small part of publishing your book. Selling it is the most important factor. There are hundreds of printers out there that are willing to print your book. But you must be careful in selecting the right one or it could cost you thousands of dollars in sales.

Profit may not always be your reason for writing a book. Your book may be designed and created to fill specific needs of a business, organization or your family or it may be designed to explore your own interest. As traditional publishing houses prefer books that will interest the mass market, they will not usually accept a book intended for a small audience. Thus, self-publishing may be right for you.

Some of the reasons that people self-publish their work are because of time, control, profit, legacy and locality grounds. Because a book is a reflection of the author, self-publishing gives you the final word on the direction of your work. All decisions are wholly yours and not entrusted to third parties who have interests different from your own. Additionally, as a self-publisher you own all rights to your book. If you use a traditional publishing company, they will own all rights. Thus, if they lose interest in your book you will not be able to print additional copies unless you purchase your rights back. Whats more, people do not only publish their books to make money. They publish to share what they have learned or leave a legacy.

As a writer you would not want your precious books to end up in some dusty garage. So if you think self-publishing is right for you then its time to start moving and polishing your pages to get them snapped up as soon as possible.

For comments and suggestions kindly visit Book Digital Printing Services

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Why Self-Publish?

By: Katrina Williams

You have written a book. Now you want to publish it. Which way do you go? Self-Publishing or Traditional Publishing?

For most people, the traditional method seems safer, more reliable, and simply, easier. But it can take a long time to see their labored-over work in print. For many people, that dreaded rejection letter, saying their work is not something the publisher can market successfully at this time, leaves them feeling disillusioned. Thats when other means of getting the book into print comes to mind.

Self Publish. It makes sense for the writer who has the money, the time to devote to promotion, and the desire to be his or her own boss. There are basic steps that will allow you to be successful at self-publishing your own book.


Before you write your story, make sure there is a market for it. This can be very hard for some writers to comprehend because they may believe the story they have written is one that everyone will want to read. If you determine the market for your book before you write it, you can save yourself a lot of aggravation in the long run. Finding that you spent two years writing a book that no one wants to read can be a hard pill to swallow.


Once your story is written and you have determined there is a market for it, research the publishing industry. Learn the ins and outs before jumping in feet first and sinking quickly. You will avoid many pitfalls that new writers make when self-publishing their own books.

Find Funding

Find funding for self-publishing your book. If you have the capital yourself, great. If not, consider other sources that would help you raise the capital for self-publishing your own book.

Get the Book Reviewed

Before your book is set to go to the printer, send out copies of the manuscript to magazines and online book sites that review books. You want to send press releases also to let the world know your book is coming on the market.

Design the Book

Once you have the funding, decide on the design of the book and locate a printing company to print your book. Print-On-Demand companies and subsidy publishing companies are good places to start. Each type has its own advantages, so check out both types of printing companies before deciding on one to produce your book.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Now that the book is printed, the real work begins: promoting and marketing your book. Design a publicity campaign and an advertising campaign for the book. You should have a marketing strategy in place to sell those millions of books you have always dreamed of selling.

Research Distribution Methods

Explore the various methods for distributing your books. Contact bookstore chains, individual bookstores, and online bookstores for stocking your book. Bookstores are not the only places to sell your book. Research distribution channels such as wholesalers, libraries, and direct mail order. Consider non-traditional methods and places to get your book in the hands of readers. Be inventive. Creative.

Promote Your Book

Now promote, promote, promote your book. If you have found a niche that is perfect for your book, and you promote the book like crazy, you will have achieved that ultimate goal of selling millions of copies of your book.

Ready for the next one? Self-Publish now.


Katrina Parker Williams is an English Instructor and teaches English Composition and Grammar at a community college. She is also the author of a fictional novel Liquor House Music and publishes writing and publishing articles online. Visit Katrinas website at

Distribute Your Self-Published Book (Part 1)

By: Judy Cullins

Where is your book now? With a distributor? In a book store? Or, did it already die an early death after a few months?

New self-published authors often believe they need a distributor to sell a lot of books. They want to use Ingram or Baker & Taylor because they think they need to get their book into the
"brick and mortar" bookstores like Barnes and Noble.

Authors go through many hoops and snags to accomplish this-- what I call the "traditional publishing nightmare" of inefficiency and lack of support for authors. Usually the author only gets around 10% royalties and has to pay back all promotion expenses such as book signings. So many hoops, some give up. So many authors I speak with who have gone this route still have hundreds, even thousands of unsold copies littering up storage space. Talk about discouragement.

Distributors Can be Dangerous to Your Book's Health and Your Wallet

One author wrote, illustrated, and marketed six beautiful children's books. Her books were well reviewed and received. For some time, the profits rolled in until her distributor went bankrupt, owing her $160,000. After she stopped crying, she decided to take her books on the road—to local fairs and talks where she could KEEP all the profits.

Distributors take quite a chunk of money from the author's profits too. They charge the author for storage, and when books are returned, the author loses those sales, and has to pay the distributor too. Authors lose from the bookstores because their payment is late or unreliable. Some authors wait way beyond 90 days. In fact, many just don't get paid. Writers are not always good at collections either. These middlemen not only take most of the author's profits, they cause much stress too.

How Can Self-Published Authors Distribute?

Self-published books include: print books (perfect bound, comb bound, print on demand or print quantity needed, or stapled) or eBooks (sent over Email through Word or Portable Document Files)

Local Distribution.

For each venue, make sure to include ordering information such as your Web site URL, your company address, your toll-free 800 number, your local phone number, and an order page to fill
out for fax or phone orders..

1.Distribute through the Press.

-Create a "Power Press Release" (include tips and how-to's)
-Get a Feature Story from the Media
-Write a how-to article and submit

2. Distribute through a local Talk Show-Radio and TV or guest speak for another person's teleclasses.

Just a phone call away you can reach 100's of people interested in your book's topic. Do some research on From my guesting with other experts every 2 months, new clients come, new book and teleclass sales increase to make up half my income.

On the talk shows or the teleclasses, offer the audience a free report to capture their email addresses. You can also send it through your host and she will distribute that information to her large email list. Of course you include your sales-pulling signature file at the end.

3. Distribute at local talks to groups. Sell your print books at the back of the room. Take a clip board and capture everyone's email at the talk. These people become your dedicated sales force and tell others. Word of mouth takes up to one or two years, so be patient for results. Check your library for Clubs who need free speakers.

Develop a selling two-sided flyer with testimonials, your book cover, excerpts, and an ordering coupon. Take books and flyers with you everywhere. Offer to all you meet, even your dentist!

Authors need to be proactive in book promotion because publishers won't do it for them. (Part 2 of this article is available)

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online"

Start Small but Finish Big in Self-Publishing

by Anthony Obey

You may have never considered self-publishing as an option for your book or
even considered publishing at all for your work. Publishing a book is extremely
effective in broadcasting your message, ministry, or organization. A book gives
you the ability to thoroughly inform, educate, and inspire your audience on what
you are teaching. A book also adds another very lucrative stream of income to
your organization that will enhance your existing ones.

Now that your interest is peaked about the power of writing a book, you may
directly go to thinking "who should I go with: Random House or Nelson
Publishing?" Who said that you would be able to go the traditional route in the
first place? Traditional publishers only publish about a dozen to 50 books a
year while they receive 1000's of book proposals from would be authors every
single month. Do you see how the two don't equal a book deal for you any time

But take heart, many of the greatest writers of time past up to today have
been self-published authors. Check out this list of names to see if
self-publishing could be profitable for you:

WEB Dubois, Ken Blanchard, Benjamin Franklin, Earnest Hemingway, Spencer
King, Edgar Allen Poe, William Strunk, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, T.D.
Jakes, and Walt Whitman.

This is some list, huh? What makes the difference is not whether you get a
book deal with a traditional publisher or self-publish, the difference is within
you. You have to determine how successful you will be and what legacy you will
leave to the world after you. I wouldn't let the rejection that you'll get from
traditional publishing companies stop me from being successful if I were you. I
know because my wife and I didn't let that stop us. We self-published our book
and started marketing, promoting, and speaking to teach our message to the
world. We have found this to be a great way to get our message out and reach

You should definitely consider self-publishing as the road that will lead you
to where you are trying to go. Do your research on different Self- Publishing
companies and get your work out there.

Anthony Obey is the owner of GMA Publishing providing book publishing and marketing services to Writers, Pastors, Leaders, and Speakers. At you can also sign up for Book Coaching and receive FREE E-Tips on Writing, Publishing, and Marketing your book.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Avoiding Self-Publishing Mistakes

If you're about to self-publish your first book, you can make a handful of mistakes that can mean the difference between a successful publishing venture and a total bomb. Careful planning and implementing your own common sense are two ingredients that can help guarantee your success.

Not targeting your audience appropriately
In addition to ensuring that the content within your book is appropriate for your intended readers, craft the language and vocabulary to appeal to your readers and to be easily understandable. A fun, upbeat book about how to create a scrapbook or plan a family vacation shouldn't read like a history textbook or scientific research paper. Know your audience and write specifically for those people.

Inaccurate information, a lack of organization, and poor writing
Providing inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, or misleading information to your reader damages your credibility and takes away value from your book. Avoid this mistake by doing proper research. Even if you're writing fiction, you want your plots and characters to be realistic or believable.

Proper organization makes your book easier to read. The content flows in a more logical order and it's easier to understand by the reader. The trick to developing a well-organized book is to begin by developing an extremely detailed outline before you start writing.

Just because you've decided to write a book doesn't automatically mean that you're a talented writer. Many authors spend years fine-tuning their craft. If you feel that you don't have the skills to create a well-written, full-length manuscript, seriously consider hiring a co-author who's a professional writer, a ghostwriter, and/or a really good editor to work with you.

A lack of attention to detail and editing
A well-written book contains absolutely no spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, inaccurate information, misprints, incorrect details (such as incorrect names, phone numbers, Web sites, statistics, chapter references, facts, or figures) or mislabeled figures and captions. In addition to proofreading your own work, hiring a professional editor to review your manuscript before it goes to press is crucial.

Inefficiently using money and resources
As a self-published author, all the expenses related to creating, editing, laying out, printing, distributing, advertising, marketing, and promoting your book come out of your pocket. Careful budgeting and knowing what expenses you may incur during each stage of the self-publishing process helps you best utilize the money that you have available when it comes to publishing your book.

Implementing poor cover design and copy
Having a well-written book with a poorly written and designed cover or a bad title has a negative impact on sales. Conversely, having an amazing cover and catchy title on an otherwise average book may dramatically improve sales. And hiring a professional graphic artist or experienced book cover designer to create your book's cover is an essential piece of your puzzle. Unless you have professional graphic design experience, hire someone who does!

Choosing the wrong printing method
For many self-published authors, Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing offers the perfect solution. It's inexpensive, relatively quick and allows virtually anyone with a good book idea to get published. POD has many benefits, but it's not the ideal publishing solution for everyone. Other traditional printing options, such as offset printing and eBook publishing opportunities, may be more appropriate based on your goals.

A lack of comprehensive distribution
In addition to writing an awesome book and heavily promoting it, the third key ingredient for success is making sure that your target audience can find and buy it. Based on how you're going to publish your book, figure out the best and most achievable distribution methods, and then make full use of them.

Wasting the potential of online distribution
Online sales, whether it's through your own Web site or the well-established online booksellers, such as and Barnes &, are extremely cost effective and powerful distribution channels that can't be ignored by self-publishers. These days, more and more people are Internet savvy and finding ordering books online convenient.

Improperly planning the publicity and marketing campaign
Writing what can potentially be a bestseller and publishing it is certainly important, but making sure that potential readers know about your book's existence is equally important when it comes to generating sales. Many self-published authors do an excellent job creating and publishing their book, but inadvertently they forget about marketing and advertising, or they don't realize the importance of these efforts.

A comprehensive and well-timed advertising, marketing, and public relations campaign is crucial for a book's success. If you don't have the advertising, marketing, and PR savvy to create, launch and manage an effective, well-planned, and comprehensive campaign, hire experienced experts to help.

Bad timing throughout the self-publishing process
As you complete the various steps in the publishing process, pay careful attention to scheduling, lead times, and deadlines. Rushing steps, cutting corners, or taking shortcuts is a surefire way to failure and making costly mistakes.

Timing also refers to when your book actually gets published and becomes available to readers online or at retail. Is there a specific date, season, holiday, or time of year when interest in your book may be stronger? Choosing the most appropriate release date is essential, especially if the book somehow ties into or relates to a specific date, holiday, or season. Most people aren't going to buy a Christmas cookbook in July.

Adapted From: Self-Publishing For Dummies